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3D maps, water tunnels and crawler systems | MMP Marine & Inspection

MMP Marine & Inspection tunnel survey

MMP Marine & Inspection were recently commissioned to complete an InfoTech Lidar survey below the city of London. Read our latest blog to find out more.

High end, advanced and reliable equipment is something we pride ourselves on here at MMP Marine & Inspection. Our in-house designs are among the best, and they enable us to carry out the most challenging and intricate of jobs to a superior degree. And that’s why we were delighted when we were asked to complete an InfoTech Lidar survey underneath the city of London.

The InfoTech Lidar survey would require a 1km crawler survey to 3D map a storm water tunnel.

The team were excited by the prospect of this important job and couldn’t wait to get to work. And it was thanks to our unparalleled suite of equipment - alongside our highly experienced team - that we knew we were the right people for the job.

We used our bespoke long distance crawler system to carry out the survey - it was the only way that recovery could be made possible, and it meant that 100% of the survey could be carried out from the surface: no confined space entry was required at all, keeping the job as safe as possible. Plus, the LiDAR image could be viewed live throughout the survey.

There were a few potential bumps along the way - namely, a high level of silt throughout the tunnel. However, our four wheel drive, high torque steerable crawler was able to navigate this with ease.

The survey was completed in a safe and secure way… And with a very happy client indeed!

To find out more about our services - or to arrange a free consultation - please get in touch with a member of our team.