

Project Announcements and Company News


Another major project for MMP Marine & Inspection.

We’re proud of the MMP team for completing another exceptional diving project, this time at Barking Power Station.


Earlier this summer, MMP Marine & Inspection were delighted to be chosen for another exciting, multi-layered diving project.

The project involved our team working off of a multi-cat vessel, where we were required to remove 3.5 metres of silt off of a cooling water valve. We then needed to operate the valves on an offshore outfall structure. 

The entire project was a core part of decommissioning works for Barking Power Station. It was integral that our team had precise attention to detail, could work collaboratively and understand safety procedures inside out.


This kind of diving work is tricky - but we were ready for it.

In order to carry out the work at Barking Power Station, we needed to secure a diving permit from the Port of London. We also had to gain dredging permits, a range of insurances, HSE approved dive contractors and around 5 other permits… just to get in the water


Luckily, this is a process we are comfortable and confident with. It’s something we have formed a cohesive and strategic method for.

It all comes down to thorough planning. Initially, we identified all the areas that needed covering before the job could commence, and then we assigned project leads to take control of the tasks and make them a reality.

It was then crucial that all of our divers understood the safety risks and precautions necessary for this complicated, unusual job. The team worked together tirelessly to get the job done, on time and within budget. We couldn’t have done it without every single one of them.

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It’s what we pride ourselves on here at MMP Marine & Inspection - our exceptional team attitude.

Time and time again, we work as one unit to deliver the very best results.

So, to all the individuals that keep the MMP cogs turning - thank you!

Have you got a project you need support in? Contact a member of the MMP team for a no obligations consultation.