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Can ConstructionLine help your business?


ConstructionLine is the UK’s leading procurement and chain management system.

It’s the largest pre-qualification service in the UK. It bridges the gap between “buyers” with “suppliers” who are on the hunt for contractors or subcontractors.

For suppliers (like us!), it’s an accreditation. It collects, assesses and monitors your standard company information and ensures everything from your financials to your operational systems are in line with government and industry standards.

Once your business receives the big, bold tick, you’re added into the most sought after business generation platform going.

So how does being a member of ConstructionLine benefit you as a “supplier”?

Being ConstructionLine accredited essentially fast tracks your business through procurement and puts you in front of all the right people.

It improves business systems by:

  • Giving you access to a huge range of procurement contracts and projects

  • Showing you meet industry standards and therefore are the real deal

  • Reduces risk and keeps you up to date with legislation so you can achieve more

With over 4000 buyers using ConstructionLine, it’s a crucial way for you to make sure your services are actually being seen and considered.

How can ConstructionLine help you as a “buyer”?

When you’re looking for a supplier to help you out with your construction needs, you want to know you’re fishing from the very best pool.

ConstructionLine essentially does that. It filters out companies that don’t meet standards and provides you with only the highest quality suppliers.

And it keeps the process simplified for you, too. Let’s face it, we’re all about a simple life, aren’t we?

We will always endeavour to provide a service that is efficient for both us and our clients. Because efficiency saves time, money and promises a first-class job. That’s why we value the importance of being registered with ConstructionLine.

To find out more about how we can support you and your water pipe inspections, get in touch for a free consultation.